I’ve written a book on Testing ASP.net Web Applications

If you have been following me on twitter then this will be old news however I realised I never announced it on my blog.

Well, here is it! I have written a book on Testing ASP.net Web Applications! The website for which can be found at http://www.testingaspnet.com/

Testing ASP.net Web Applications cover

I agreed to co-author the book with Jeff McWherter at PDC08 almost a year ago. Now, after a long hard year of constant work on both of our parts, I’m pleased to say that the book is now available on both Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.

The book provides the reader with an introduction into the main issues faced when testing ASP.net web applications, both WebForms and MVC. We wanted to provide a guide covering the various different issues you will face during the development and testing lifecycle.

The chapters are:
Chapter 1: Preliminary Concerns
Chapter 2: Design and Testability
Chapter 3: Unit Testing and Test Driven Development
Chapter 4: Integration Testing
Chapter 5: Automated UI Testing
Chapter 6: Acceptance Testing
Chapter 7: Manual Testing
Chapter 8: Performance Testing
Chapter 9: Accessibility Testing
Chapter 10: Security Testing

As proof that the book does actually exist, the amazing Betsy Weber spotted the book on the Wiley stand at PDC09.

Testing ASP.net Web Applications @ PDC09

If you happen to spot the book anywhere, or if you have read a copy and have feedback then please do let us know! We would love to hear from you!

Since completing the book, I’ve taken a break, joined 7Digital.com and started working on a number of other projects. Exciting times!

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