Just been looking at the exams currently being offered by Microsoft and they are currently running their second shot offer again.
Between September 15, 2007, to January 31, 2008, anyone who registers for second shot and fails their first attempt at a exam and take a second attempt for free!
More information at http://www.microsoft.com/learning/mcp/offers/insurance/default.mspx
Just need to decide which Exams I’m going to take. Hoping to do Vista, SQL 2005 and then maybe the new ADO.net 3.5 exam (http://blogs.msdn.com/howard_dierking/archive/2007/03/25/orcas-certifications-follow-up-implications-for-mcpd.aspx). But they might not be released until February. I would like to do a Pro developer one so might do that instead.