HackDay Diary – Post One

Just arrived here at Alexandra Palace for HackDay. So far its very very different.  Sitting in the main hall which is darkened out with loads of tables in the middle of the hall with a large stage with the guys playing Halo.  Good news is, every table looks to have a series of power adapters underneath them so no worry about battery life – my laptop is currently hovering around the two hours left mark.

The first session was on “Your Inbox To Go – BBAuth and the Yahoo! Mail API” which how to link into the web services Yahoo offer for their Mail services. Sadly the wireless network went down because someone created their own BTOpenworld network – never mind.  The second session was based on BBC Backstage which demonstrated some of the prototypes developed using their API’s.  They offer a lot, hopefully I will be able to hook into them.  Third session was based on the new Geo services coming from Yahoo. 

However half way thought this the roof was hit by lightening, and the skylights opened up in the main hall.  It’s a little bit wet.  Still lightening and now everyone has been moved into the main foyer for there own safety.  So new blog post title:

HackDay a Washout

I think its pretty funny, I know its potentially dangerous but its not something which happens at every conference and will go down in history 🙂  However, it looks like we are going to be in here for some time.  Shame I haven’t got wifi and my battery is running low.

WiFi back up, battery charged.  Everything back to ‘normal’.

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