Codeplex have recently added a new feature – mailing lists for the project. This means you can use the discussion forumboard in the style of a mailing list. To join a ‘mailing list’ for a project, login to CodePlex and visit the Discussion tab for a project
Click get email notifications, you can then select how you would like the messages to be delivered. However, its a shame you can’t have a different project address and discussion address, I like to use Googlemail for all discussions as it has a much better interface but my private webmail for personal emails.
You have now signed up to the ‘mailing list’. To post a message, you send an email to
Your email message will then be placed on the discussion board. This actually took a while to appear, I don’t know if it was because I had only just created the project.
Very useful feature, means all discussions can happen in a central place without having to go to a separate service provider (Google Groups).
Codeplex is a non starter for me because it’s based on TFS. Sure you can use svn bridge, but why bother when there are plenty of subversion based alternatives.
I agree, CodePlex + TFS isn’t the best. However, SVNBridge works well as does CodePlex own client (command line tool).
Personally, I maintain a local SVN + TeamCity while I’m developing then push my changes upto CodePlex using the command line tool. It means I don’t have to deal with TFS very often.
However, if more people start working on IronEditor, this won’t work.
CodePlex does have the advantage of visibility within the website and links to other projects.
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