Annotating Code with .NET Reflector and Review Add-In

My latest article for Simple Talk has just been published. In the article, I cover how you can use the reflector addin ‘Peli’s Review’ from CodePlex that allows you to add annotations about your .Net assemblies from within reflector.

Reflector - Peli's Review

You can read it here:

Very exciting news! Red Gate’s .Net Reflector

ReflectorRed Gate announced today that, under a new agreement, it will be responsible for the future development of .NET Reflector, the popular tool authored by Lutz Roeder.

Reflector is one of the must-have tools if you are a .Net developer or tester, allowing you to really understand the software and APIs in a very unique fashion. Personally, I always have a copy of Reflector open on my desktop and without it .Net development would be very different!

If you are interested knowing more about this agreement, I would recommend you read the interview between James Moore and Lutz Roeder on Simple Talk. The most important part – “Red Gate will continue to offer the tool for free to the community.”

If you haven’t tried Reflector yet, I really recommend you download it. It could change the way you develop .Net applications –

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