Shameless Plug


Bit of a shameless plug, but below if the link to Computer Manuals via my Affiliate ID (means I make money!).


If your still using another suppiler for your computer books then I would suggest looking at these guys. Very very good service at great prices!!

Must have spent around £400 on PC books from them. Just need time to read them….

which leads me onto my next link

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity
Title : Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity
Ref. No : 0749922648
Publisher : Piatkus Books
Author : Allen, David
Price*: £7.91 RRP: £10.99 Discount: 28%
User level: All
Date pub: Jan 2002
Description : Is your workload overwhelming? Does it just keep mounting up while your stress levels reach fever pitch? In “Getting Things Done” David Allen teaches you how to keep a clear head, relax and organise your thoughts while implementing the methods that he has introduced at organisations like Microsoft, Lockheed and the US Department of Justice: Learn …

Going to have a read over this, and see if it can productivity.

Evening all.

Tonight I have actually got to a stable state (stable as long as you don’t use it). Still have a lot of work to do on the site and huge amount of features to implement. But its getting there slowly.

Think I might create a blog just for the site tonight. Who knows!!

Also posting this from IE7. Have to say, looks cool – but no new download dialog!! Firefox one is great but this is a lacking feature. Might need to give some feedback.

DevelopDevelopDeveloper! Day 3 – Post Event Blog

Afternoon all.

Just got back from Reading after a very enjoyable day attending DDD3.

Attended the first two They where OK, The Tiers one was not done by the original person, so was a bit on the spot but still left a few questions unanswered about tiers. The control just talked about overriding render methods – would have liked Editor & Designer support, maybe thats just me.

Then had the Attacking Windows / Web Apps. Very very cool talk!! Had a lot of cool stuff and the guy presented it really well. Also thinking final year project 😉 watch this space on that one.

Attended the Start software company for £5000 (infact it worked out to £5034) – was cool and interesting, but not for me (at the moment).

Finally was the Linq (C# 3.0) talk – was cool, but would have liked to see a lot more on DLinq.

So a very enjoyable day (plus cool freebies (nice ice cream)) but would have prefered the talks to be at a 300-400 level, where I felt they where more a 200 level. Most people their seemed to know there stuff, so would have been nice to use the time to show the deeper topics (this might have just been the talks I attended).

So now….going to look at the OWASP project (Security) and see if I can work that into a disseration. Need to start revision for my 70-528 ( Microsoft Exam this week.


Day 2: ASP.Net 2.0 Training Course

Today was cool.

We did Themeing and master pages to start off with. Done some Validation stuff but wasn’t overally impressive. Then moved onto Web Parts, and managed to create a custom provider ! (COOL!)

Also got to leave early which meant I missed the rush hour on the tube which is always nice.

Tomorrow – Data Access +

Vista Beta 2; Office 2007; WinFX Beta 2

Today is the day!!

Vista Beta2
Office 2007
WinFX Beta2

All released today, just downloading office + vista now (offical beta tester ;)). Will be blogging about it all at later point. I have my vista test box (P4 Dual Core 2.66, 1Gb, 250Gb, 7300GS – nice box!) ready and waiting for it. Should be ready in the morning, but as I am on the course will install when I get home.

I will let you all know how I get on

QA: ASP.Net 2.0 Training Course

So today was the first day of my 2.0 training course at QA in London.

Bit of a slow start, was talking about the page executation, view state but got interesting more with the themeing and master page section. But had a cool free lunch!

This couse hopefully will help towards my 70-528 C# 2.0 exam which I need to complete to become a MSTS in Web Applicaitons. Forgot to blog but I also passed 70-536 in C#-if anyone has any questions I will try and answer them while sticking to the NDA of the exam (so no asking for Q/A)

Tomorrow – Site Navigation…….